Journal articles
[2] Siqueira-Gay, J.; Sánchez, L.E. Mainstreaming environmental issues into housing plans: the approach of strategic environmental assessment. Environmental Impact Assessment Review, 2019.
[1] Siqueira-Gay, J.; Gallardo, A. L. C. F. ; Giannotti, M.A. Integrating socio-environmental spatial information to support housing plans. Cities, 2018.
Conference proceedings
[a] Siqueira-Gay, J.; Sánchez, L.E. Incorporando questões ambientais no planejamento de habitação social: contribuições da avaliação ambiental estratégica. Congresso Brasileiro de Avaliação de Impacto, 2018.
Journal articles
[2] Siqueira-Gay, J.; Sánchez, L.E. Mainstreaming environmental issues into housing plans: the approach of strategic environmental assessment. Environmental Impact Assessment Review, 2019.
[1] Siqueira-Gay, J.; Gallardo, A. L. C. F. ; Giannotti, M.A. Integrating socio-environmental spatial information to support housing plans. Cities, 2018.
Conference proceedings
[a] Siqueira-Gay, J.; Sánchez, L.E. Incorporando questões ambientais no planejamento de habitação social: contribuições da avaliação ambiental estratégica. Congresso Brasileiro de Avaliação de Impacto, 2018.
Land use change impacts
I have been investigating land use change impacts on forests, including large effects of deforestation on biodiversity and ecosystem services. By using spatially explicit approaches, the studies aimed at analyzing policy-relevant scenarios for further conservation strategies and projects development
Journals articles
Siqueira-Gay, J.; Sonter, L.J; Sánchez, L.E. Exploring potential impacts of mining on forest loss and fragmentation within a biodiverse region of Brazil's northeastern Amazon. Resources Policy, 67(C), 101662, 2020.
Siqueira-Gay, J., Yanai, A. M., Lessmann, J., Pessôa, A. C. M., Borja, D., Canova, M., & Borges, R. C. Pathways to positive scenarios for the Amazon forest in Pará state, Brazil. Biota Neotropica, 20(Suppl. 1), e20190905, 2020.